“But Something is There” a Journal

I will be posting stories, images, videos, and more on the subject. I hesitate to call it ghosts, aliens, alien abduction, or anything like that because I don’t know for sure exactly what is happening or who or why. But Something is there.

Keeping an open mind is essential in an effort to make new discoveries.

Validation 6-30-2023

This is one of those journal posts that’s out of sequence with my life long experience but an important one. These are random memories and as I think of them I’ll be writing them down.

My mother and I were astranged for years. It’s a long drawn out story but for the sake of time and writing I’ll get to the point. Although I loved my mother we didn’t get along or like each other very much. She was very opposed to my leaving the San Francisco bay area where I grew up. She and the rest of my family and friends humored me about leaving and going to LA to seek a career in the movies. One of their parting words to me was, “Don’t you have to be talented for that?”.

That was enough for me. I packed up the TR-3 and my girlfriend Marilyn and moved to Hollywood never looking back. From time to time my mom and I would talk on the phone. As I became successful I offered to fly her down and take her to the studios. She refused and always had an excuse. I later on found out she thought I was lying.

Evidently she thought my father was a pathological liar and I had inherited it from him. I loved my dad very much and one of the biggest pains of my life was losing him to a senseless car accident when I was only 14.

They had been divorced since I was 7 years old. My dad started a new life in my beloved Marin County where I would spend weekends and wonderful summers with him racing slot cars and full size cars. Ironically he was killed by a wrong way drunk driver on the way to work.

My mom had some pretty nasty things to say about him even after his death and would often compare me to him often. But I stayed in touch as long as I could. One day she got very nasty with me. She was drinking and said some bad things so bad that we didn’t talk for 18 years.

I continued on with my career in in Hollywood. I was always working and so busy it was hard to think of anything else. But I did have Visitors in my life. Very much so. After Communion was published my late wife Gilly bought me the book and like many of you my life was changed forever. Whitley’s booked pieced together the missing parts of my life that I have always had with the unknown. I could write another full book about it( and I did) and I will discuss these things in a future entries but it’s enough to say that during my 30’s from the 80’s to 90’s UAPs and visitor experiences were paleolithic.

Not only that I had appeared on numerous TV shows where I would talk about these experiences. More than once I appeared with Whitley Strieber who has been very long time dear friend. My art was everywhere on TV shows, magazines, book covers and more. I was on radio programs and written up in articles. This was not a good thing for my career as it would turn out but we will talk about that in a future entry.

All along unknown by me my mother had been watching. When I was a child I would talk about the UAPs I saw and the lights in my room but she would always down play it and change the subject. I always felt she was hiding something.

After 18 years of silence I decided to call her and start talking again. It wasn’t easy at first but we became friends and would talk for hours. One day she brought up that she had watched that movie I said I worked on. Ghostbusters. She told me she saw my name in the credits. This was her way of saying she was sorry. I was no longer a liar and if I had done that maybe all the other things I told her about weren’t lies either. This changed the entire tone of our relationship.

All this has bought us to the point in this journal entries purpose. One day near the end of her life we had a talk on the phone and she told me something that further changed my world.

My Mom lived in Sebastopol California. Her home was out in the country side where she raise dogs and Lamas. My grand mother lived with her. She said the stars were amazing out there.

In one of our talks she brought up all the shows she had seen me on. She told me she believed me and then she told me this story.

She and my grandmother were sitting on the porch at night looking out over the countryside at night. The stars were bright and full. And as they gazed at them she noticed that something was moving through them slowly. It was black and round and as it moved it blocked out the stars it passed over. This is what made it visible because it was so dark and no lights were apparent. This is the same thing I saw when I was 6 years old outside my bedroom window. This scene is featured in my film, “But Something is There” located on this website in the menu.

They both watched it with great curiosity and until it became quite close to the house and stopped. It’s at this point lights came from the object. Bright beams that were directed at my Mom and Grandmother. There was a eerie silence. They found this all a bit unnerving and got up slowly and backed into the house. The lights followed them and once inside the house they shinned through the windows onto them.

My mom paused there. It was quiet for a moment and I asked her what happened next? She paused some more and said reluctantly, “I don’t remember”.

That was it. She didn’t talk much more about this subject after that. A little here and there. But it was my feeling she knew a lot more she wasn’t telling me. As it would turn out both sides of my family had experiences with the unknown from talking to the dead to seeing ghosts and UAP’s. It was the great family secret hidden for obvious reasons. If you talk about it no one will believe you. Even worse they will think you are crazy. Again much of this story is told in my book and movie, “But Something is There”.

I did talk about it and they did all that and my career suffered. But to me they who laughed at me were the crazy ones. After all they denied their own senses and that is crazy.

But my mother in the end didn’t think I was crazy. After all these years of believing I was a liar about my Hollywood career she believed me about my experiences. Because she had them herself and always kept it from me.

I thank her to this day for what she shared with me. There is so much room for doubt and healthy skepticism even with ones own personal experience. But a validation like this makes your experience harder to discount. But something is there.

In the next entry I will talk about another validating and life changing experience I had when I spoke to my dead girlfriend. I call it, “The gift”.

The Right to Thrive 6-23-2023

So why now? Why is there so much of what was once so secret being released to the public? Why are sightings on the increase? What is different about the whole close encounter experience than in the previous 86 years of cover ups and secrecy? Why is there such an urgency?

There is too, I feel it and I think many of you do. It came simply to me. After over 60 years of my personal involvement in this phenomenon, this experience, it came full circle on Summer Solstice 2023. Literally.

I spent the most wonderful evening with the most kind, loving, and gentle souls that I have experienced in a long time. In a circle under the stars.

They spoke of there purpose for life that night. Family, their children and friends they share deep love with and hope for a future of a loving planet filled with joy.

These people are connected to the great spirit of this universe and everything in it.

They don’t start wars, lust for greed, or hold hate in their hearts. They consider themselves custodians and care takers of this lush green planet we call Earth.

Bottom line is, they have, we have a right to thrive.

People that lust for greed, hate, and war are the minority. They are separated. Never forget that. But they hold the power. At least they think they do. In the grand scheme of things they hold no power at all.

The people that just want to live in peace to raise their families and seek positive futures far out number them. They have real power. They have love.

At the rate we are losing this planet our future is uncertain.

There’s little that can be done at this point to turn around this severally damaged planet without some form of intervention. I dare to look ahead 50 years if something doesn’t change. What will our children and grandchildren inherent?

But intervention alone is not enough.

We need to fight for them. We have an obligation. We need to ask better questions, voice our perspectives, and ideas vigorously. We need to teach our children well. We need to teach them to question. I know many of you are. We are trying.

We questioned, we didn’t accept everything we were being taught or told. We questioned the lies we are continually being feed or we would be here now. We knew what was meant by the words in the song, “Back to the garden” in the song, “Woodstock”.

Will the visitors help us? I think they are now. Some of them are breaking the silence letting many more people than us know, “We are not alone”. This is a huge step.

Once there is a world consciousness that we are not alone, it is my hope that our perspective will change. That we will turn our eyes to the stars and connect, wonder, explore, and join in on the greatest thing humans can do. Explore the cosmos, become with it the people we have every right to be.

What we are experiencing here on Earth is a microcosm of what has taken place in the universe many times before. Their are great civilizations that have gone through this very exact period in their evolution. There are many of them that made it through this period to explore the stars. We can join them. It’s up to us.